Water & Sewer
**NEW** Village of Combined Locks Water Department e-Bill Enrollment Form
Water Rates effective 08/21/19
Water Volume Charge
First 50,000 gallons used each quarter – $5.49 per 1000 gallons
Next 150,000 gallons used each quarter – $4.92 per 1000 gallons
Over 200,000 gallons used each quarter – $4.77 per 1000 gallons
Flat Fees: 5/8″ meter $24.72/qtr
3/4″ meter $24.72/qtr
1″ meter $43.26/qtr
Public Fire Protection: $27.00/qtr (covers the maintenance of fire hydrants)
Combined Locks purchases its water from the Kimberly Water Utility.
2024 Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality Report)
Questions, Billing & New Service, please call 920-788-7740, ext. 201
Foul Smelling Water?
Click Here for Information on How to Flush Your Water Heater
Sewer Rates effective 01/01/11
Sewer Volume Charge
$9.70 per 1000 gallons – winter
$8.70 per 1000 gallons – summer
Flat Fees: $51.00/qtr effective 7/1/11
Combined Locks’ sewer is treated at the Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District.
Effective 01/01/13, the summer sewer rate will be reduced by $1.00 per 1000 gallons. Deduct meters are no longer sold as of 09/18/12. Additionally, the maximum sewer gallons customers will pay for summer months is 15% over the winter bill gallons.
Sign-up for e-bill and auto pay
Auto payments
e-Bill enrollment
Residential Incentives:
Kaukauna Utilities
Related Links
- HOVMSD – Behind the scenes
- Impact along the river
- Bids are in
- Project Update
- FAQ: Interceptor System Rehabilitation
- Interceptor Rehabilitation Project: Purpose
- ‘Fix it and Forget it’
- Interceptor Rehabilitation Project
- New Liner Needed
- Watch for Spring Activity
- Construction starts in the Spring
- Effluent Disc Filter project